google chrome What features do Progressive Web Apps have vs native apps and vice-versa, on Android

In Software development by Maspeth Martial ArtsLeave a Comment

PWAs are definitely making progress when it comes to push notifications, however, Native Apps are the clear leaders in this category. Native apps can support push notifications on both iOS and Android devices making them the right choice for any website owner who wants to engage their audience through this powerful medium. For the most part, there’s really nothing for users to do when it comes to updating native or progressive web apps. When a native app is installed on a mobile device, it’s going to pull directly from the device’s resources. They are still not able to integrate with features such as Bluetooth. For now, native apps are more reliable than PWAs, but time will tell how that story ends.

features of progressive web apps

Engaging – Feel like a natural app on the device, with an immersive user experience. People today consume 2x the amount of content on mobile than they do on desktop. Mobile holds around 60% market share of all internet users, against less than 40% from desktop. If cross-application logins are important to you, then you might want to steer clear of PWAs.

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With a PWA, you can engage with this large user group even if you already have a native app. It also allows for saving a substantial amount of budget on native apps’ updates and maintenance. While most aren’t questioning whether to build or not to build mobile apps, the development approach choice remains on the table.

features of progressive web apps

They are useful to users from the very first visit in a browser tab, no install required. Progressive Web Apps use modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. They evolve from pages in browser tabs to immersive, top-level apps, maintaining the web’s low friction at every moment. PWA Cannot Do EverythingAs proficient as PWAs are compared to old-style web applications, they cannot do everything that a mobile app can do. As they are written in JavaScript, they are not as battery-efficient as the web apps written in native languages, like Swift or Kotlin.


Since progressive apps are made on a shell model, you’ll enjoy app-style navigation and interactions. Companies that have launched Progressive Web Apps have seen impressive results. For example, Twitter saw a 65% increase in pages per session, 75% more Tweets, and a 20% decrease in bounce rate, all while reducing the size of their app by over 97%. After switching to a PWA, Nikkei saw 2.3 times more organic traffic, 58% more subscriptions, and 49% more daily active users. Hulu replaced their platform-specific desktop experience with a Progressive Web App and saw a 27% increase in return visits.

Progressive Web Apps provide you with a unique opportunity to deliver a web experience your users will love. Using the latest web features to bring enhanced capabilities and reliability, Progressive Web Apps allow what you build to be installed by anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase. Platform-specific applications are known for being incredibly rich and reliable.


Some of the biggest brands in the world are already reaping the benefits. Alibaba increased mobile conversions by 76% and Twitter saw a 20% decrease in bounce rate. What makes this worse is that mobile internet connections are fickle and often slow. While Apple hasn’t been a vocal proponent or participant here, they are now adding PWA features to the Safari browser, too.

PWAs depend on HTTP to offer information safety and diminish the risk of security matters, as such a protocol permits to prevent content tampering and snooping. Similarly, the web applications take advantage of Web Bluetooth tech that comprises some security competencies. Building a progressive web app is faster and cheaper, so you can use this app type to support a single or annual event like a music festival. Keeping in mind that users are likely to leave a website if the content loading takes more than three seconds, the publisher aimed to ensure that it appears instantly before the readers’ eyes. Progressive web apps features are interconnected and explain the reasons for their development. TLS is the standard of secure and robust data exchange between two applications.

Push Notification

Launching a new version of a mobile app can be a nightmare for publishers. With a PWA, there’s no need to wait for Apple’s or Google’s acceptance to have users’ download the update. PWA features allow publishers to implement patches immediately, for example. Customers always use the most current version of the application. They can also continue to work even when the user is offline or has an unreliable or slow internet connection.

  • As they are written in JavaScript, they are not as battery-efficient as the web apps written in native languages, like Swift or Kotlin.
  • Progressive Web Apps are not like Google’s Chrome Packaged Apps or Microsoft’s Hosted Web Apps.
  • 2018 should be a big year for PWAs, particularly on Windows 10, where they could help Microsoft close the app gap and have more native-style apps.
  • Another important point to note is that the Origin Trials Framework enables manufacturers to expose and test hardware capabilities without having to go through the standardization process.

In concrete terms, this means that a PWA is likely to appear in the first search results and therefore to be well known by the users. Users, on the other hand, may obtain information about the most up-to-date change in a matter of seconds. Because the most recent version of a native app must be released, maintenance is more complicated than progressive web apps native features that for a hybrid app. The app does not notify its users about future upgrades or ask for their permission to update. A native app — if truly native — is generally built with in Java or Kotlin for Android or Objective-C or Swift for iOS. For your end users, this one isn’t going to make much of a difference as most updates will go unnoticed.

# “Add to Home Screen” banner

One basic component of progressive enhancement is that, if the user visits your PWA on the web by entering its URL in a browser, the user can interact with the app like a normal website. But if the browser can install it, the user will be prompted to install it and the app will appear as a new feature on their device. Traditionally a website is built as a collection of interlinked pages. A service worker, which, at a minimum, provides a basic offline experience. PWAs can be distributed in app stores, as well as openly via the web.

There will be no visual indicator that your website is a progressive web app. As you can imaging, this makes it somewhat tricky to get iOS users to install it. Since they live in your browser, there is no need for an app store, and they will always use HTTPS for security.

Storage, Data, and Power

Responsive web design, and the screen-size flexibility it provides, made PWA development more accessible. Continued enhancements to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript allowed web applications to incorporate greater levels of interactivity, making native-like experiences possible on a website. A native app is able to interact with other native applications, for instance by offering its users to connect with Facebook. However, if your goal is to provide your users with an enhanced web experience, then PWAs are the way to go. Google has already started implementing PWAs in their mobile search results page and they will soon be shown in the Apple App Store for iOS devices.

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