Bullying 101: What is Bullying? & How to Fight It!

In FAQ, martialarts, MMA by Maspeth Martial Arts

Bullying is becoming more and more prevalent in our nation’s schools. Anti bullying programs and incentives are being started in schools and communities to help deal with the problem. Parents are being encouraged to watch for signs in our children.  However, before we as parents can help fight bullying, we need to understand what it is.

What is Bullying?

The term “bullying” is sometimes used loosely. Bullying is NOT a one-time event. It is NOT a form of disagreement between two children. Bullying is unwanted and aggressive behaviors among school-age children. It is repeated over and over again and involves a power struggle. One child (the bully) is powerful than his victim. لعبات امم اوروبا

Bullying can come in many different forms, however , we will focus on the common types of bullying.

  • Verbal Bullying- This type of bullying involves the use of cruel words, name calling, threats, disrespectful comments, and insults related to a person’s appearance, religion, sexual orientation or other individual characteristics.
  • Physical Bullying- Aggressive behavior and physical contact are common and are referred to as Physical bullying.  Children may be kicked, pushed, tripped, touched inappropriately and beaten repeatedly as forms of abuse.
  • CyberBullying- This type of bullying exists behind a screen. An individual may be mocked on social media (such as Facebook, Myspace or Instagram), be the victim of rumors online or via text, or by having their privacy invaded by sharing information that was confidential. قنوات beoutq الرياضية
  • Relational Bullying- Leaving a person out intentionally, whether it is in a game, a party, or another form of social activity, is considered relational bullying. Exclusionary tactics are often used and the unwanted individual feels invisible.

How Common is Bullying?

While bullying may be mentioned more often in the media, how common is it really? The truth is-it is common, stopbullying.gov has collected studies showing how often kids are bullied in today’s society.

  • The 2010–2011 School Crime Supplement (National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics) indicates that, 28% of students in grades 6–12 nationwide experienced bullying.
  • The 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) indicates that,  20% of students in grades 9–12 nationwide experienced bullying.

Due to the increased prevalence of bullying, research continues to be necessary. Cyber-bullying, in particular, is becoming increasingly more common.  This may be attributed to changes in technology and the fact that our kids are spending more and more time online.


Prevention and Education Through Anti Bullying Programs

The best way to educate our children on bullying, and the prevention of future bullying situations is through anti bullying programs. These programs are popping up in neighborhoods nationwide and for good reason!

Schools who have initiated anti bullying programs have reported positive changes.

  • Teachers have reported less observations of physical bullying.
  • Children are less likely to bully others when they are aware that there are consequences to this type of behavior.
  • Students are more likely to intervene and help a victimized classmate when they know the long lasting effects of bullying.
  • Neighborhood Programs or Programs in your Area.

Maspeth Martial Arts, which is conveniently located on 69th Street across from Rosa’s Pizzeria, offers Anti Bullying workshops for both parents and children on a monthly basis,  You can contact us or enroll you or your child in future workshops by visiting our website at www. اللاعب جريزمان maspethmartialarts.com or by calling us at 718-255-1993. Bullying is a real issue. Parents need to educate themselves so they can educate their children.