Martial Arts builds more than just Muscle!

In adults, FAQ, kids, martialarts, MMA by Maspeth Martial Arts

Martial Arts builds more than just Muscle

When thinking about Martial Arts, many people immediately think of the high energy nature of the sport.  Punches, kicks and body slams all come to mind.  What most people don’t realize is that there are many additional reasons to take a class or enroll your kids. 

Self Confidence

Knowing how to defend yourself and understanding the responsibility that comes along with that helps kids around the world build self-confidence.  An average of 7 in 10 teenage girls report having low self-esteem according to Crisis Text Line ( When it comes to addressing these issues, a fun and mentally challenging workout like martial arts can help improve levels of depression or low self-esteem significantly  


Mental and physical hard work is required to advance in martial arts training.  Working with your instructor will allow you to set attainable goals and develop a method of discipline that works for your personality.

Mental Health

Meditation and regulatory breathing help reduce stress from work, school or daily life. Combining that with the release of endorphins that a Martial Arts work out gives you and you are sure to have a clearer mind throughout the week. أفضل موقع مراهنات كرة القدم